Click on the [Knowledge] tab and use the 'Add Site' option found on the top-left of the [Sites] icon.
Alternatively, click on the [Sites] icon and then the 'Add Site' link.
Fill out the information for the site name, date and description. You can also add a photo to the site by clicking on the button to choose a file from your computer/network. Select the correct coordinate system and type in the GPS coordinate. This will create a point at the location you specify. You can edit the point later and provide a more detailed map representation. If you do not have a coordinate for the site, you can add this later.
For more information about how to add/edit the map representation of your site, see editing the map representation.
Select sharing rules for the site.
See How do I set visibility permissions for an entry? for more information about viewing and editing permissions.
Click on the [Create] button to add the site into the system with the information and map representation you've provided.
To make edits to the map representation or site information of an existing entry, click the [Edit] link next to the site name.