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Environmental Systems Solutions
System Management
Information for system administrators, including managing user accounts, groups and roles, approval of shared entries and loading mobile data into the system.
What are the different user roles within the system?
This article details the different roles a user may take within a system, as well as the functions and permissions associated with each role.
How do I manage user accounts?
This article covers how to manage the registration of new users in the system, as well as how to administer the groups, roles and permissions of existing users.
How do I create a new user group?
This article covers how to create a new user group.
How do I authorise shared entries?
This article describes how to authorise entries that have visibility permissions that span multiple user groups.
How do I manage planned activities and jobs within the system?
This article describes how planned activities and jobs may be scheduled and recorded within the system.
How do I load mobile data into the system?
This article describes how to import data collected in the field into the system.
How do I load spatial data into Google Earth/Google Maps?
This article describes how to export spatial data generated by a report within the system and represent this information on both Google Earth and in Google My Maps.
How do I load GPX files into the system?
This article describes how to add GPX files into an existing record (e.g. added using Fulcrum) by using the mapping tools.
Help Documentation
Getting Started
Advanced System Functions
System Configuration
System Management
What are the different user roles within the system?
How do I manage user accounts?
How do I create a new user group?
How do I authorise shared entries?
How do I manage planned activities and jobs within the system?
How do I load mobile data into the system?
How do I load spatial data into Google Earth/Google Maps?
How do I load GPX files into the system?
System Modules
System Management
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