This Blog has been developed to keep members of GBRF and the TWG up-to-date with what is happening on the ground in the TO IMR (Strong People – Strong Country) Pilot Project.
It offers updates about ESS's involvement with each of the TO Groups involved in the Pilot Project and outlines where on-ground work is currently being focussed. This isn't an exhaustive account of the work that we are doing, but offers short and meaningful accounts that indicate where energy is being spent and the outcomes that are being produced.
We also want to use the Blog to record and share some ‘Learning points’ that arise out of on-ground activities, which we understand is a really important element of the Pilot Project. Whenever possible, these Learning points will be offered and discussed as they relate to the updates – that is, we will try to treat each update as an opportunity for sharing what it has taught us, or might teach us.