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Dept. of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (Vic)

Victoria’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (formerly DELWP) has three state-wide monitoring and evaluation programs that examine the effects of water for the environment:

  • In rivers (VEFMAP)
  • In wetlands (WetMAP)
  • On the floodplain (VMFRP)

Within these long-term monitoring programs, data users interact with a custom-built data management system that ESS designed and developed. The system provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) to ensure data collected is accurate and up-to-date.

This is achieved by configuring data standards within each system. All incoming data is compared against the standards and the rules are enforced. The data standards can enforce use of:

  • Controlled vocabularies (e.g. species lists)
  • Lookups of related standards (e.g. site lists)
  • Standard data validation rules (e.g. required fields, accepted data types, numerical ranges)

Once standards are established, the workflow is:

  1. Users can submit a data file for acceptance by the system.
  2. A data quality report is provided back to the user submitting data, allowing them to correct any problems before it is accepted.
  3. All accepted data (old and new) gets stored and published into in a relational database that can be queried.
  4. Database queries can highlight complex QC issues (e.g. logical inconsistency across standards) and provide custom data products for output to users (e.g. aggregated species counts across seasons/regions).

To further enable and expose this content, DEECA have also worked with ESS to develop a data portal for sharing content from these three databases to end-users (e.g. Victorian CMAs). The portal offers a consistent platform for registered users to download data products that are generated directly from the three data management systems. 

This solution integrates many features that are usually only possible via a combination of multiple data manipulation/validation/transformation/reporting products and platforms. This reduces the technical understanding required to achieve strong data enforcement and management and allows users to focus on their analysis.

Key solutions:

Data collection, storage and analysis for researchers

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